First Baptist CHURCH of Lynn Haven IS CURRENTLY SEEKING our
senior PASTOR.
The First Baptist Church of Lynn Haven, Florida is located in the central part of Bay County which is in the northwest part of the state. The county is bordered on the south by the Gulf of Mexico. The southern city limits adjoin the city of Panama City. Other larger cities within a 100-mile radius are Tallahassee, Pensacola, and Dothan Alabama. The close proximity to Panama City Beach and the temperate climate has helped make the area a growing tourist area. The church campus is in the center of the downtown area of Lynn Haven on Highway 77 which is one of the main routes into the area from the north. Lynn Haven is a very desirable residential area due to a variety of reasons. It is family friendly, in close proximity to 2 local hospitals, great schools, a four-year college, airport, many restaurants, recreational facilities and shopping areas. Two nearby military establishments contribute greatly to the local economy and employ many military personnel as well as civilians. There is also an industrial park with manufacturing businesses that provide many job opportunities.
Our church is searching for a senior pastor due to the recent retirement of our pastor who served here for the last fifteen years. The existing staff consists of a Transition Senior Pastor, a Associate Pastor of Discipleship & Students, a Worship Pastor, a Children’s Minister (part time), and three support staff members. We are trusting the Lord in leading us to a senior pastor to serve our church family, be a good influence to the community as well as make disciples, connect people to Jesus Christ and help us fulfill the “Great Commission” to further the Kingdom of God.
Principle Function
The Senior Pastor (Pastor/Teacher) is responsible to the church to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, to teach the Biblical revelation, to engage in pastoral care ministries, to provide administrative leadership in all areas of church life, and to act as the senior minister of the ministry and support staff.
Qualifications for the Position:
The pastor must be a licensed or ordained minister of the Gospel. The pastor must demonstrate appropriate theological, doctrinal, and administrative skill to adequately fulfill the requirements of the position. The graduate of a recognized seminary is to be sought.
Requirements of the Position:
Serve as spiritual leader and overseer of the congregation.
Plan and conduct the worship services; prepare and deliver sermon; lead in observance of the ordinances of the church.
Lead the church in an effective program of evangelism; plan and conduct a program of community witness.
Lead the church in a caring ministry for persons in the church and the community.
Conduct counseling, perform weddings, and conduct funerals.
Work with church leaders, program directors, and church committees in the planning, training for, conducting, and evaluation of church ministries.
Cooperate with the local, state, and denominational leaders in matters of mutual interest and concern; keep the church informed of denominational developments; represent the church in denominational and civic matters.
Act as the Senior Minister; serve as chief administrator of the paid church staff; supervise the work of the ministry staff organization, both lay and paid ministers and directors.
Serve as Chair or delegate and share the leadership of the Church Council with such other Staff members as he may from time to time designate.
Advise on the selection of all staff members and in determining their duties set forth in the Church Organizational Chart.
Serve as ex-officio member of all committees.
Counsel with and assist in training deacons for their responsibilities.
Oversee the compilation of a church budget and adherence to that budget.